Allow parts to connect to more than one other.
When building a large rocket it is hard to determine which object my current selection should connect to. A confirmation box (a box with tick/crosses for valid edges, greyed out for no connectivity) of which edges need to be connected. If one edge is only possible then the confirmation message could be ignored (nose cone). This idea could also be used to sharing fuel tanks so you could make 1 big tank for an engine either horizontally, vertically or both.
This will add rigidity to tall rockets where there is only one connecting edge at the top of the segment.

This item is now completed in SimpleRockets 2, which is now available for iOS, Android, PC, and Mac:
共济民主主义联盟党 commented
China no:1
VASIMIR commented
It is annoying to use things such as "cranes" or difficult LEO docking for missions with more than one independent vehicle,along with multiple attachment points for easier construction and improved stability. and although more programming would be needed, players pay 3$ for this game and it's development.
JediRangerKendor commented
I completely agree. Its really hard to build a supporting frame when that frame will only connect on one side. Its almost impossible to build a tall rocket with multiple fuel tank stacks next to each other without them flailing around like a whip.
Juan Pablo commented
please, its very hard to take of with big ships
Anonymous commented
The first suggestion above all is to please make it so that parts can attatch to multiple other parts so that when we build rockets with tanks side-by-side the tanks can attatch to the one above and below them (like normal) but also with the one to the left and right of them and chained together and if there is a detatcher on top. This probably makes no sense but just play with it in the ship designer window
Add power that must be used for things like keeping you alive and wheels
Retractable lander legs
Maybe the ability to transfer fuel around in your own craft without having to be docked
If you don't want to do the top one maybe you could add a different kind of strut for supporting your big side tanks that can only at the moment attatch to one side detatcher
If you read this far thank you
DatGuyZee commented
Currently if you place 3 tanks or more side by side, without a side detacher set up, and you stack these tanks more than 2 they only have a single point of connection, being the tank immediately above. If you attach it to the side of a tank the fuel of the tank above does not factor in, if you attach it normally to the tank above when/if you're designing a large vehicle they wobble and contort at high speed becoming unstable. I think if more points of anchor are put in play it will add strength or even support struts. Thanks.
Keifer1122 commented
Good idea
Pavitra commented
TGSD commented
Why did I say company u meant to say nsjsk end ska snakes d shams a jake a endless ridkd d endless. Snakes kens endless. Dr
Bronchitas commented
Let all parts of the rocket attach to multiple other parts, to make more stable, more realistic rockets that won't flop around and explode when under mid-flight pressure! :)
Anonymous commented
I've had success using the lander legs with fuel tanks attached to the side of the stage below it to brace my tall staged rockets
Geoff Canyon commented
Allowing parts to connect to more than one other part would be awesome, but if we can't have that, when more than one connection is possible (above and to the side, for example), clicking one of the possible connections to make it the actual connection would be very helpful
Anonymous commented
making rigid rockets gets extremely difficult at some point and how to connect different parts to other parts becomes very unintuative. It would be helpful if there was some way to "connect" parts that are next to each other, either with some sort of connector piece or some sort of UI action.
Anonymous commented
Also some kind of Y adapter gizmo so that two tanks/engines can be placed centreline on the rocket
Fadi commented
To be able to connect rockets side by side and have them accumulate the tank as well.
Anonymous commented
I agree. The hardest part to getting to smars for me is building a ship with enough fuel yet survives first few seconds of takeoff.