Advanced Autopilot!
Now I think with the recent Steam update...
Cockpit Settings
-Set As Main Set/Is Primary
-Is VTOL Yes/No
--Hover Throttle 0 - 100
-Cruising Height 100 feet - 100K feet
-Cruising Throttle 0 - 100
-Brake Input VTOLBrake/Throttle/Pitch/Roll
-Inverted Yes/No
Etc Etc

Anonymous commented
Good in theory may need some bugs worked out
HSW1 commented
Two additions that would be huge in this game are thrust vectoring engines and intakes that could changed from round to square etc. Also I think it'does be great to have control surfaces that can be made to handle both roll and Pitch simultaneously. Lastly, some kind of flight computer. This would be great for designs that inherently unstable, to stop them falling out of the sky. Thanks for your time guys , great game!
ForeverPie commented
Hi Rohan! Im ForeverPie!
Alex the Greater commented
Add heading auto pilot and more airports btw huge fan of simple planes
Nick Stromberg commented
Multiplayer is so tricky. I like your idea but mobile devices might lag due to low amounts of ram and weak GPU to have the game catch all frames. It might only be possible with newer computers ie: not windows vista
Supertogo commented
Yay, I knew it was hard multiplayer, but it will come one day, right?
Anonymous commented
YES. 100% YES. You could even have a top-down map showing the world, and where planes are.
Joshua Curry commented
Rohan commented
Ok, so for the longest time people have wanted Multiplayer! So I got to thinging multiplayer would be hard! So for now we could have our planes and at the end of the flight in the menu bar we can save that flight so the next time it would follow it. All saved flights can go in a menu similar to the locations and we can run the flight program. The possibilities are endless! You could have fighter squadrens! Try to hit a programmed plane with a Missile like the one I built (My name is Rohan on SP)!
Have planes just flu around for fun! Cars running across the island! Custom aircraft carriers! And so on, but I do suggest you try to keep the part count to a minimum or use Fusealage blocks. Or some type of block reduction thing. But you see what I'm saying right?Simplified:
1. Fly Plane
2. Flight Path is saved
3. Saved to a Menu similar to the locations one
4. Toggle the flights Ex. 787 JAFB-NISLAND Which will take you from the base to the north island!
5. Fly your own plane around to feel like things are happening.