On the website I think there should be... (Answer in desc)
On the website there should be Playlists/Folders in your profile like YouTube so you can sort your aircraft
So you can have multiple folders for your own things
You could have folders for your companies and other things.
So when you go into Posts it has little folders/playlists title what ever you want when you create them
It would be like for me
Sanboid AirCorp
(all my Sanboid planes in this folder)
Gragham Ground Defense Services
(all my Gragham planes in this folder)
Arsley Aerobatics
(all my Arsely planes in this folder)
(all my replica planes in this folder)
(all my Random planes in this folder)
(all my Challenge in this folder)
So this would make it very easy to find your and other planes
I think it would be VERY easy to find aircraft like this
in your profile homepage it says
6,635 Booster456
Manage Account, Favourites, Points
on a large Black bar this bar should be customizable again like YouTube to make your Profile more creative!
Comment if you think these are good Ideas and which is your FAV