Bigger cannons
So i have a few ideas Here.....I know that Most of the probably wont even be introduced in the game but its worth mentionin... I think almost everyone wants to have a Option to Change the caliber of the gun.......and very Big guns only have Limited ammo... And also Can u make that the Planes dont explode i One hit....Tank Tracks in theresizabke wheel Option menu Theres a Button to activate tracks.then u Can select a group of wheels(like u Can select a engine)and Tracks will Rap around them.....mybe ship parts like ship Rotors sails and ship cannons..........and what i think would be the Most important for me, so basicly how Car jumps work ( at least how i think) is that when the CoM is in the Back of the Car it would Tip backwords if its in the Front it tips Forward etc. I think the Cars would stay kinda straight due to airodynamics doesnt Matter where the CoM is ..... If u read this until the End u R 1. A Developer or 2.a Guy who Just wants to gets Inspired ( or confused) for Mod creation :P.