SR 2 IDEAS. Sorry for my English (I'm from Russia)
Here are the ideas from VKontakte website.
1.Multi point connectons.
2.Resizable and refuallable empty fuel tank. 3.Multiplayer.
4.KSP-like Science elements.
5.Launch table, space center, cosmonauts. 6.Engines like in SP.
7.Wheels with dampers.
8.Delete the Kraken.
10.Controllable parts and mechanisms.
11.Able to close parachutes and landers. 12.Achievements.
13.Career mode.
14.Life support system.
15.Some different nature on Earth.
17.More station, rover, spaceship, rocket parts. 18.Delta V counting system.
19.Skins workshop.
21.Building grid.
23.Heating while in atmosphere.
24.Adjustable parts.

MartianSoil commented
Only one suggestion per post, but your ideas are good.
[Deleted User] commented
What Kraken?