I have an idea. The develelopers should work on putting fully customizable gearboxes, to use with car engines, so you can rotate parts at variable higher speeds, to use in helicopters, cars, boats, and even planes. The should have customizable gearing ratios, axis lengths. This should include angled gearboxes, differentials, and axles to connect gearboxes to parts, and rotating mounts., kinda like the drive train on a car. Anyways, I can think of many ways users could use this, in their inventive creations.
Abdiaziz Mohamed commented
This is awesome and would make the game a lot more interactive imagine engines powering gearboxes powering axles powering wheels and then step by step developers would make the whole drive train it would be way more realistic.
DemonSniper8 commented
This should also include a way to put more or less gears on, so you could have an 18-speed semi truck, a 6+1 speed manual car, and a single-gear gokart all with the same part!