Engine Re-do's
I feel that the engines in SimplePlanes are in need of a remodle. First, There should be torque for engines along with horsepower. This means we can have powerful, but slow engines or an engine with tons of torque and horsepower. Along with this, there could be different gearboxes. This includes a manual gearbox or an automatic gearbox.
Second of all, there should be different engines with different sounds with shifting noises. This would make engines look and sound more appealing.
Third of all, there should be different sizes for engines. You could have a really small electric engine, a SUV sized engine, or a big rig's huge diesel engine. This would make engines more close to a real one.
Lastly, There should be different amounts of pistons in the cars. So, if you are building a motorcycle, you could have a 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, or 12 piston engines in that motorcycle.
Those are just a few reasons why I think that there should be an update with an "engine Redo".
If you read through all of that, you should get an A in English class.