Tully2001 removed my fking biography, and im freaking mad. If this biography isnt un-removed, ther’ll be consequences.
Anonymous commented
its probably tully if it is he will probably post a comment usually tully removes it because he has way to much time on his hands and tully2001 is still a mod although he really shouldn’t be #removetully2001
Boi commented
Well Tully2001 is no longer a mod, and hasn't been a mod for quite some time, sooo, I don't know if it was him/her.
Lliam Boss-Harmon commented
Consequences. Though this is not the place to do this, I agree in some ways Tully2001 has abused his ability as a moderator. He/She should be stripped of his/her moderator privileges.
CruzerBlade commented
Sorry, but this is user voice, not complaints channel. If you have complaints, post them in the forums.
Giggitymerf commented