World Aggression Checklist
Sandbox mode in the game is extremely fun, especially attempting your own attack runs on the various convoys and ships scattered around the world. Snowstone always keeps you on your toes with the attack-on-sight missile launchers stationed in front of the ice base.
However, the AI tends to either dominate or not stand a chance at all in these circumstances. A well-placed bombing run can take out an unaggressive convoy in one pass, while trying to go -anywhere- on Snowstone while not spawning from within ice base is an absolute nightmare.
My idea is this: Once the appropriate target has been destroyed, it unlocks an option for AI toggling at the start of sandbox mode, much like discovering locations unlocks races.
An aggressive AI would be pretty straightforward: attack anything on sight and in range, like the Snowstone launchers.
Default AI: The current state of the convoys and battleship formations: attack only if damaged or locked on with radar.
Passive AI: This would disable all defensive capabilities but keep the basic movement the same. Ideal for target practice if anything. (Though I'd love to see this on planes as well, preferably removing random loops and changes in flight patterns, but I understand if it's too different a monster.)
Would there be anything that would prevent this from working, and does anyone else have any ideas they'd like to tack onto the list?