Make More Missions and Maps - (WWII)
I have played SimplePlanes for a long time, and I have spent most of my time in this game building WWII aircraft. One problem I have found though, is that in many missions, the WWII technology is obsolete when put up against the challenge. I ask that possibly more WWII and WWI based missions are created so I can build my aircraft with a purpose.
For example, strategic bombing campaigns would be awesome, whether you are shooting down the bombers, or a bomber, bombing factories.
Another Idea is more Air-to-ground missions, which would be great for WWII fighters to participate in, as opposed to the Convoy assault or Bridge demolition with the missile vehicles.
And of course, more WWII dogfight scenarios, although, having AI support and combined forces would also make it much more interesting. As well as adding a WWII bomber escort without the jet engines and missiles.
Please Upvote if you agree with these ideas.
I love this game, and truly hope this ideas become reality.

Voltron106 commented
Although, the true bottom line is, I just want more WWII missions as stated, this was just mostly ideas.