More customization on guns
Ammo Type Sim: Explosive bullets
- If explosive = true, allow the user to define an explosive radius (explosionRadius = number), where all parts in the radius receive some percentage of the round’s damage based on the distance from the point of detonation. Cannot damage parts behind another part.
Ammo Type Sim: Proximity fuse
- (Requires explosive = true)
- If proximityFuse = true, Enable proximityDetonationRangeMin and proximityDetonationRangeMax for guns.
Ammo Type Sim: Smart (guided) bullets
- If smartAmmo = true, Enable lockTime, minRange, maxRange, maxHeadingAngleAdjustmentRate, maxVelocityAngleAdjustmentRate, and maxTargetingAngle for guns
- Can be shaken off and can be distracted by countermeasures
- Functions similar to the guardian missile
Bullet Drop Sim: Whether the bullet will drop with gravity
- If bulletDrop = true, the round will drop due to gravity.
Bullet Count Sim: How many rounds a gun can fire before reloading
- If countAmmo = true, enable ammunition count.
* “ammoCount” is still in the XML files for some reason, why don’t we
simply reactivate it?
Reload Sim: How long does it take to reload, and how many reloads does
one weapon have
- (Requires countAmmo = true)
- timeForReload = number, time needed to reload weapons
- reloadCount = number, how many times can a gun be reloaded before fully out of ammo
Ammo Mass Sim:
- (Requires countAmmo = true)
- ammoMass = number, adds the mass of all bullets into the weapon, which will decrease as ammo is spent
Gatlin Gun Rotation:
- If invertRotation = true, inverses the rotation of barrels
Anonymous commented
Simpleplanes needs incendiary rounds
Anonymous commented
Simpleplanes Needs an incendiary round