Wing Gun Remake
i think the wing gun is a bit primitive, only it can shoot, with some features.
it would be great if you could adjust the values, such as the shooting speed (changing the sound), the color of the tracer (or bullet if you prefer), the damage, the impact force, everything without overload or XML, so that everyone could use it (including IOS).
list of suggested features (there are some existing ones):
Muzzle flash: (1,1,1), (true or false)
Muzzle velocity: (800 by default)
ImpactForce: (10 is default)
Ammo: (pls fix it the vanilla one is useless)
Reload Time: (in seconds)
Caliber: (in milimeters, metric is better)
Sound (cannon, MG ones... etc)
attaching to everything (fuselages, wings (all types), blocks, except to cockpits)
all of this in vanilla wing gun pls (maybe minigun)

Mephiles commented
I mean, if its attachable to everything, that defeats the purpose of it being called a wing gun, yeah?