Ultimate 1.11 suggestion list WIP
I was told to copy and paste this to the user voice because it would get more attention, so here it is! The original post can be found labeled "Ultimate 1.11 suggestion list WIP" in the SimplePlanes forums!
There needs to be a way to disable time change in-level. I’m tired of spawning in and having it be 8:00 in the morning because the lighting is trash. Spawn-in times can be as early as 6:00 but as late as 14:00. If the aforementioned option is enabled, time during the level will be locked at 12:00. Weather will still change if dynamic weather is enabled.
If the volcano over at Krakabloa actually erupted, that would be SOOOOO COOL. It doesn’t have to be detailed; maybe they could use the Boom-50 explosion particles (those rock things that fly out after the explosion) coupled with the scaled up smoke texture for landing gear or wheel skidding.
Trees. For the love of god, trees. Literally the only trees in the game are located near Yeager airport. There needs to be trees everywhere on the map, scattered about.
Airports need to be renamed by this logic: Wright (formerly Tarpley) airport was the first airport added into the game. It should be renamed back to Tarpley. Yeager airport doesn’t really need to be changed. (Fun fact, the name of the airport comes from Chuck Yeager, the first man to fly a supersonic aircraft). Bandit airport isn’t based off of anything to my knowledge, so you could remand that to Wright airport. It would be really fitting actually, because the first flight took place on a sandy beach.
TL;DR: Wright -> back to Tarpley, Yeager doesn’t change, Bandit -> Wright.
Airports need to have a basic function. Maybe if you landed at an airport (properly; without crashing), a little menu would pop up and you’d have the option to reload weapons and refuel your aircraft. You’re probably thinking, “Hey, by this logic, that means guns would have to have limited ammo.” NO! NONONONONONONONONONO NO. Guns keep unlimited ammo because I’m NOT worrying about how many ammo boxes I put on my aircraft.
Airport hangars need to have default locations. If these locations are added, you could spawn facing backwards (tail towards the entrance) and press a little button for a small vehicle to push you onto the runway. Alternatively you could spawn facing forwards (nose towards the entrance) and get to the runway manually.
The USS Tiny desperately needs an overhaul. Maybe you could make it look like the <Chakri Nuebet link> (the worlds smallest aircraft carrier) by giving it a ski jump and some decent textures. This could be applied to the USS Tiny Two as well.
The autopilot needs to hold your heading AND ALTITUDE. If you enable autopilot all it does is keep your heading. It doesn’t control pitch and you can’t control pitch while it’s active. I have no clue if there’s a way to change the mode (because it says “wing leveling mode” by default), but there may be. If there is, I haven’t discovered how because I’m on mobile.
There needs to be a second type of rocket pod that’s more resemblant of <actual rocket pods link>, having much more rockets placed into them, and being shaped like a cone instead of just a cylinder with holes in them.
Sky Park City needs a serious revamp. On real life air races, the pylons are much further apart. Due to the already existing pylons being so close together, it’s INCREDIBLY difficult to complete the related challenge. The island could be much larger (and have more stunts) to accommodate this.
The North Runway needs at least some detail. It can’t be just a single runway sitting on an island. Maybe add some buildings and tents similar to Bandit.
Weather needs a revamp. Maybe during the “Stormy” weather preset, actual rain could fall and lighting could strike. Thunder would be a nice touch as well.
The USS Beast’s internal hangar could use some details. Maybe add lights or a crane or something.
Similar to PC/Mac versions, there could be some tiny islands randomly scattered in the oceans on mobile.
14.5. Speaking of islands, I’ve finally come to terms with the impossibility of adding Maywar to mobile. I finally realized just how big the file size (and physical size of the island) is, and that a phone/tablet couldn’t process that.
There needs to be a way to put saved aircrafts into folders or headings in editor. For example, I could create a folder labeled “Fighters” and put aircrafts like the F-18 in it.
There should be a way to change what the actual editor space looks like. There is a way to do this with mods, but because Apple is gay you can’t get them on iOS. Maybe add a few preset textures like the inside of a hangar or something. This would be like in Kerbal Space Program.
Helicopter tail rotors need to automatically adjust their settings to match the torque produced by the main rotor. For example if I put a large main rotor on then added a tail rotor, the tail rotor would automatically change its settings. This would be REALLY useful in building helicopters.
17.5 Speaking of helicopters, the Gator (the default helicopter) constantly wants to yaw and roll to the left, and it’s nearly uncontrollable in general.
It would be SOOOOO COOL if there was a default railgun part. Railguns have always been my favorite weapon, and having them in game would be amazing.
Just like in SimpleRockets 2, the camera needs to be able to go underwater. Much more submarines are built in SimplePlanes than in SimpleRockets 2, so it would fit the game much better.
A default smoke trail part would be amazing. Being able to have a colored trail behind my aircraft would look absolutely amazing.
21. TANK TREADS. KnightOfRen commented and reminded me!
22. I made a mistake in #3. There are in fact trees near Bandit Airport as well.
I copied and pasted this into the user voice, as many of you have suggested!