Weapon ideas
Auto aimming machine gun (should not be allowed in world war II combat challenges) predator missile: it's homing power is between a guardian and an interceptor, meaning it's homing speed is faster than an interceptor, but slower than a guardian. Same for the area of lock on, it's bigger than an interceptor, but smaller than a guardian.
Tank turret: (Model 0009 blooper turret) it's pretty much what it says on the tin, it's a tank turret, can be a ground or AA turret. Aiming is done with a moving camera.
Okay don't get excited over them, the real name for them is laser designation missiles (LDM) they're pretty much laser guided missiles, any missile can do the trick, (except for rockets) you just need to hook them up, after that, they lose their tracking ability. Any missiles that are not hooked up to it, I have missiles that are the same kind that are hooked up to it, will be identified as a different missile (guardian LGM)