Most Important Game Mechanics | SimplePlanes 2
Emitter system for Shell Casing:
-Gun shell eject system + configuration with parameters
( Rotation, acceleration, life time, Size, Shape Model ).
Muzzle flash system:
-New definitive muzzle flash visual effects + configuration parameters
( fire %, smoke %, flash %, sparks %, Size and Length of these ).
Improved Bullet Tracers:
-New Tracers effects with configurations
(size, length, bloom, color).
Particle system generator:
-Smoke, sparks, steam, heat
(Size, life time, custom images [maybe]).
More configurations and parameters for Weapons:
-“Gatling/vulcan”, “Automatic guns”, “Cannons”, “Rocket pods”.
(Rate of fire, caliber, size, length, AP/HE, sound)
Tank Tracks:
-Tank tracks + parameters
(Size, length, height, mesh shape [customized maybe])
Customizable sounds:
-Independent custom sounds for models (for weapons, engines, systems, etc).