Add the option to disable HUD, add unfixed position control sticks, and a screenshot manager.
Multiple requests: Disabled/Transparent HUD, Unfixed control sticks, Screenshot manager
• Hide HUD: I'd like to see this so we could get better look at the world and have a "larger" view of it, it'd also lead to better screenshots.
-In addition to this, if someone doesn't want to have to completely remove the HUD, there could be a transparency slider for the HUD, in case you still want to see it partially.
•Unfixed control sticks: One way to help control flying without the HUD would be to have unfixed control sticks. So if someone disabled the HUD but could see the sticks, simply placing your finger on either the right or left half of the screen would cause the stick to appear for a few seconds, then disappear.
•Screenshot manager: But say someone doesn't want to remove the HUD for a good screenshot? Well there could be a "Screenshot" option added to the menu when in flight, which would take a screenshot of the game, with the option for it to take the screenshot with or without the HUD displayed.