Clouds at 3000 feet, Slow motion, Sonic booms, Contrails...
gives better game experience.. and Gives us the cinematic guys to make cooler videos,

Rafael S. commented
There is slow motion already
Anonymous commented
and you should make it so you coud actually go OVER the clouds right, or is that a mobile thing because i somehow got to like 8502859 meters in the air, and the clouds still looked like from where they were from the ground.
Creeperslayerz commented
@shaneomacmcgee Mobile does have slow motion, you just have to connect a keyboard.
John commented
That is true but would love contrails
Julian Damikolas commented
Add a setting with these options so weaker devices don't get left behind and more powerful ones can optimize their gameplay
mightymk commented
a bid lag experience. good mod idea wink wink (you can make a mod for it)
Gia Huy Đinh commented
Lagger experience...
Matthew commented
Contrails would be incredible! Also, I've been to about 300k feet, yet clouds are still above me, any way to change the skybox??
Joey commented
What about slomo in iOS
gsegsf commented
SlowMo is already in it, press L.
KingOf TheCreepers commented
well i only want contrails and being able to go through clouds. (2 votes)
KingOf TheCreepers commented
slow motion already exists in simpleplanes
Buddy8383 commented
Love it
James Goldsworthy commented
OMG I've wanted this forever!
shaneomacmcgee commented
There is already slow motion in the PC version, not sure about mobile. Default keybinding is L I believe. But the rest would definitely be awesome to have.
Anonymous commented
Yeah, also vapor trails
Anonymous commented
LordLamb commented
Contrails are the gas trails left begind from planes from the combustion engine. There should be an option to jave that ik different colors like areobatics.
s0larflar3 commented
Yeah with the vapor cone and everything. That would be seriously cool
Park commented
So we can see fast planes