We need them for Rovers and Ground vehicles to ooerate on complex ground. In game, we could change the length of these Tracks, the width and the height, depending on the size of the Track, support wheels should vary in number and size. We also should have different track designs aswell as different support wheel designs to choose from.

BenAtennyson commented
We need music while building to add ideas and not bore with over 10 tracks
Linecraftman commented
You just want to make tanks, don't ya
Steve commented
add tank tracks/treads for us to use
Pepe B. Delos Reyes commented
This tank tracks or caterpillar tracks should be bulletproof and we'll designed the tank must move like a real tank like the suspension of the tank tracks.
Creeperslayerz commented
Considering wheels were in the first version, there will probably be ground vehicles.
WOOPTYWOOP212 commented
I like the idea of that,we could come out with hundreds of 'rockets' with tracks.
ViperTanker commented
How about tank tracks you can customize them size and lengthwise,they have more traction than resizable wheels but one down side any vehicle with tracks will go slow of you have a powerful engine. So if this idea works could I get at least 1-4 votes,if not I won't be mad. One thing im worried is the game being laggy.
BobDaBilder123 commented
yes tracks would be amazing
Anonymous commented
and also its hard enough for jundroo to make the current update and since we can make our own then they shouldnt need to....your just being lazy FennVector
Anonymous commented
we have tracks.....the function just like actual tracks depending on their adjustments
Anonymous commented
Zachary Barnes commented
@FennVectorCWA, Well I was thinking that the the tracks and gears would be independent and they would snap together but the way you explained it it would be altogether
FennVectorCWA commented we don't it is a lie the end they are wheels ...they add part count require Fine tuning ...Land vehicle experience, built in wheel suspension and User made suspension (Hinges, shocks fuselages.....etc) ..we need tracks that's it think about it it would decrease the part count
Anonymous commented
We have just have to make them
Dllama4 commented
I think that this game should have some way to make tracks kind of like how we make wheels. For example, if we had tracks we would be able to choose size, style, traction, etc. Tracks are also useful for making vehicles (Tacks, APCs, IFV, Snowmobiles, and much more) so please add tracks!
justin commented
look at the bobcat skid steer for a example simple yet versitile or they could add a wheel option to have a metal like tread to guide track
KingDeadshot commented
Good idea!
Elite Steel commented
Add tank tracks. Make it so that they will wrap around a group of wheels that you select so that they can be in any shape desired.