Autopilot Control Computer
Something that could be added could be a module that has the ability to control the rocket for you and preform basic tasks, like getting into orbit and adjusting flight paths to have a successful encounter with the planets we could visit. It could also balance orbits in order to be almost perfectly circular. It would help players who are less skilled or patient to actually learn and pull off basic tasks that make the game so fun to play. By adding this, the app will be a lot easier to pick up and a lot less frustrating. Also, since the computer would be a module, it wouldn’t need to be added for people who don’t feel they would use it. It would need an on/off button or tab (like weapons groups for SP) to work at its full capability. Thanks for reading and feel free to add to or criticize this idea. :)

Jackie commented
I feel that would make it too easy. When I was a beginner in SimpleRockets 1 I found it difficult, almost impossible at first, to rendezvous with a sat. But once I did it and learned the technique it was very rewarding. I like more realistic gameplay and I think most people do but for others or beginners to help learn how to do it, it might be cool as an option.
Brian commented
I feel that having an autopilot for rendezvousing with a space station/ other ship in orbit would be amazing. Rendezvousing is really tough and time-consuming in these games, but an integral part of space travel. Like you said, for those less skilled or patient, which I include myself when it comes to rendezvousing, would make it much more fun.
legendaryOPdude commented
It would be so good if the autopilot could take a rocket from anywhere to anywhere in the solar system on the most efficient flight plan as long as the rocket has sufficient fuel. That would enable people to test out new rocket designs without worrying about steering or throttle, as well as get rovers and landers to other planets easily and quickly.