Cockpit Settings
I think we should be able to do more than 'set as main cockpit' in cockpit settings. it would be nice if we could set up things like:
-Aircraft type(air, ground, ship, etc...) so spawned AI/destroyer can choose which weapon to use, and player can use inferno instead of Air-to-air missile against ground crafts
-Autopilot mode types(if your aircraft is heli/VTOL, you can use hovering instead)
-Whether Activation 8 is on by default or not
-Whether dethrottling to 0% activates brakes or not (the current game does that)
-Whether pressing Brake dethrottles engines to 0% or not (this one, also)
-Crosshair types(green cross one is not always the best one)
-Whether Landing Gears are on by default or not
-Default targeting mode
-Default VTOL/Trim slider positions