Weapon customization
Instead of adding new weapons, we should add customizations to existing weapons
Here my ideas
1: Caliber change for minigun/wing gun, from 7'62 to 20mm and maybe 30 cal/GAU8 caliber. i know we change the damage input in xml but it would be easier to new players, and it would be nice to see it in game instead of xml
2: Ability to change barrel number for minigun
We should be able to pick between 3,5,6 barrels or even 4 and 7 barrels as well
3: Smoke trails for minigun, we can add smoke trails to minigun and with the caliber change the smoke trail will get bigger or smaller but there should be an option to disable/enable it
4: New sounds for minigun/wing gun, again with caliber change there should be different sounds for each of them but even if we dont get this we need new sounds for the guns
5: custom stabilizers for bombs/missiles, i dont have any example for this but it should be in game
I probably have more ideas but these are all for now
I'd love to see these customizations in the game