Add weapon parts
<these parts use electricity>
Base foundation- after triggered, the bases can build and launch from that location
Gatling guns- uses ammo
Explosive- explodes, can be set off by impact, sensor, Manual
Hack com- lets u hack and take control of other rockets.
Coms- gives you the ability to switch control between your rockets.
Com tower foundation- when it lands it sets up a coms tower, witch gives you control of com linked rockets.
Com jammer- blocks opponent's coms
Nuclear reactor- generates lots of electricity, but uses radioactive materials

Anonymous commented
Weapons should only arm when fired though. So many times my 'detacher torpedoes' explode in their tubes from just maneuvering the ship.
Seth Hoong commented
It could be anything to make this possible
Haven commented
You get to ba able to see the whole ting so you could make batter rocket. And you had missiles and you could play with your friends
cat lover 101 commented
That would be awesome!!!!
cat lover 101 commented
You could put laser cannons on the gizmos menu.
Diagla0822 commented
that would make the game so much more fun
Gabriel commented
We need more engines and power sources. So maybe fusion or electric engines. We also need weapons. We definitely need an orbital or free floating station so that we can build large ships without to much time. We also need to be able to choose different command pods. We also need some type of anti gravity engine so we can create some really extricate designs and to have large ships and small ships land and fly well in atmosphere. And finally we just need new cool parts that do cool things. Maybe new rcs thrusters or something completely new like a command pod that we can switch to just by touching or clicking on it.