Helicopter propellers
So we can make hellicopters

Helicopter parts were added in version 1.8:
colin commented
and, even though some people can XML mod, A LOT of people either don't know how or can't.
colin commented
add them, add them, add them, add them, add them!
join the chant!!!
Jacob Daniel commented
we don't need helicopter propellers we can just use the mods to change the shape and size of the propellers
Cortwade commented
This isn't SimplePlanes. This is SimpleRockets.
Sam3232 commented
Yeah especially with the giro update
Konade1 commented
Helicopters to are planes but in the rotor craft category.
Gdeamond commented
Or just create an item like a motor with rorating shaft, where can be attached hinges, wings and other parts
justin commented
yes but why not ad a gyroscopic part that would help stablize the craft and u can tweak that part to be used for vtols also
Anonymous commented
The current props just fly to the left...
BenAtennyson commented
would be great if the developers do the helicopter parts
Capt. Picard of the USS Enterprise commented
Make it so!
jamesPLANESii commented
Cool. The props are too unstable to make helicopters.
Anonymous commented
Very easy to mod propellers to do just this, Just the option to extend the length of the existing props to helicopter length would be great