Decals that you could put on your plane, so you could add some more visual flair

Anonymous commented
I was thinking about this too, it could allow players to create 0 parts count camouflage and have much more detailed aircrafts.
It would be awesome if it could be image importation from the player's computer. -
Dzeta8 commented
Man I just write this in the comment section of beta 4 of 1.7 :
DEV look at this amazing idea !
pls add it to 1.7 ! @AndrewGarrisonPls tell me they are going to made it !!!
Dzeta8 commented
This idea is the most amazing I have ever heard !
kukimuki1234 commented
#Let try this @AndrewGarrison
GeneralColeOfTheAF commented
So currently in the game, people use fuselage parts and stuff to make symbols and stuff on vehicles. What I think would be awesome is if under the paint tool, there was a option to put on decals instead of having to build them, thats just my opinion, its fine if not. :)
kukimuki1234 commented
KingDeadshot commented
Rohan commented
I think we should have custom stickers in the game. Currently if we want to put a decal or symbol on the plane we need to make it with fuselage peices. This takes lots of time and effort and kind of takes the fun away. I suggest that we can be able to turn our custom made decals and turn them into "stickers." Stickers should be infinitely thin and they should curve with the plane.
Let's say I make a USAF Logo and then I turn it into a sticker. The USAF logo should curve with the planes curve and it should be thin enough so you can't see it from looking at the side, it also shouldn't stick out of the fuselage like current roundrels and logos do. Thank you.
KingDeadshot commented
Anonymous commented
What About making a plane have a custom paint job? Like maybe adding glossy paint and glowing paint and please add a feature similar to how you use sprays on the HL2 engine except you can put them on your planes/cars/rockets and flags! So we can have pirate planes and custom flags for players/plane creator/faction or flags to indicate Flagships
Anonymous commented