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  1. more categories for simple planes to make easier to search what people would like to search for

    there can be so manny categories to better filter out the idea of what people are searching for on the site for simple planes

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  2. Add in more types of weapons

    The possibilities are endless! Resize able gun barrels, auto cannons, more variations of air to air / air to ground missiles, torpedoes, and bigger, wing guns. For example, lets say I want to make a Airacobra, but I want to put a 37 mm gun in the nose, well with resize able wing guns you can!

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  3. Gyroscopes to help VTOL or helicopter designes

    I believe helicopter and VTOL designed difficult or near impossible to fly

    I believe adding gyroscopes to the game would lead to more fun and interesting designes that may popularize the game and lead to more downloads

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  4. 3 votes

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  5. Put more parts as more the better and

    How about being able to fold wings without having the massive gap in between the wings that keeps annoying me as well as proper helicopters and ways to build a heli carrier or put one in the game that flys around oh and EMP bombs which disables other planes and the ships the tanks and everything else's electronics Iike the lock on and the control panel and any none propeller engines as we as protecter circuits so putting them on helps prevents the EMP from disabling your plane as well as a online sandbox were multiple players can play together…

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  6. Ally- and enamy AI

    Ok, so what if you wanted a wing man. AI that shoot down other planes and will follow the player. On sand box you can load the AI as the first person player. Ex: if I have a plane with a rotator gun on top or a weapon that uses vtol or trim the AI can control the plane while The player controls the gun.

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  7. Smoke from engines like in MiG-29

    When you add power from engines come out dark smoke

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  8. Make a Cannon and Submerged Prop will great

    that my idea hope ya like my simple things adding cannon btw the cannon can use for Tank and Battle Ship and the Submerged Prop it's only for Watercraft like a Ship

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  9. The Next Sky Cup Should Be a Sky Battle

    I've got some fighters I really want to use to blow others out of the sky with. Which means I am (and others) proposing the next Sky Cup be a "Sky Battle!"

    Here are the rules as I see them: The basic limitations on plane entries are the same as any other tournament. The difference is we add three new classes;
    Gunfighter (guns only)
    Top Gun (missiles and guns)
    Flight School (missiles and guns with mods).

    Combining these class names with the current class names we end up with events like "Prop Class: Top Gun," "Unlimited Class: Gunfighter," or "Mod…

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  10. Sea and Land dogfights

    So you can fight on ships, cars, tanks etc.

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  11. Double-click an object to veiw it

    Double-click an object to veiw it. Like a missile, or a pice of shrapnel. Similiar to KSP's function.

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  12. Lock Exhaust Scale to axis relative to the plane

    Instead of having the exhaust (when modded in size via the ExhaustScale attribute) always level to the world, and appear to rotate when moving the plane.

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  14. Less friction on parts

    If you fly off of a ramp in a car and land nose down or nose dive into the ground in a plane, it should slide a little more than just flipping and destroying its self.

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  15. App

    I'm not sure if this is the place to suggest this but I think it would be great if you made the Simple Planes community into a downloadable app for android and IOS. This could allow people to get notifications to their device about comments upvotes etc. it would also make it easier to access for mobile users.

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  16. Size Adjustable Glass

    Why i think we should add glass because so we can use them for our cars we make and + It will make it really cool!

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  17. Better Ground textures

    don't get me wrong i like this game but i want a Better ground texture!
    (And MOAR Trees)

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  19. The kraken for mobile

    There are some places that are only available on pc, it would be awesome if you moved them to mobile too.

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  20. Space?

    I know The title is simpleplanes but there is car engines so can you add space?

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