Space stations and other orbiting objects
I think that it would be realy cool to create docking stations and being able to have more than one rocket out at a time (You know, switching between them at a tracking station) I realise this would be too close to KSP, but it would be very cool.

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COng commented
I'm really appreaciate that idea. At least,we need more than one rocket,and hope to have the technology which could connect them together as well as sepreate them in the space,so that we could land the moon and return home like Apollo.
Anonymous commented
You could fly modules and astronauts up afterwards and restock your fuel etc at them
Volfied commented
Also being able to save ships in other bodies so we can "trade" components once we safely land with other ships.
Nick Zoner commented
Just docking in general would be super useful
DatGuyZee commented
Brilliant idea. Would be awesome to design and build a space station either by bring up modules in piece or as a whole that you just place in orbit. Never played KSP so have no frame of reference in that regard. Also with the space stations having the ability to save a solar system with them in would create new mission types like refuel and restock and upgrade said station.
Anonymous commented
I like the docking idea very much. Would love to make a space station in orbit or even assemble a massive ship in orbit by bringing components up on seperate flights.