Jundroo Games
2320 results found
You should add train tracks and train wheels
Add train wheels and train tracks so it's easier to make trains
3 votes -
The same thing as SimplePlanes, but with ships. You can make different military ships, carriers, subs, etc.
5 votes -
A louder volume for the Fly-by veiw
When flying a plane, you can't hear it coming very well and it seems too quiet compared to other veiws. Also, when hearing a plane in real life fly by, year hear it coming by a lot sooner right? Especially slow planes. So, a louder fly by veiw should help solve this, right?
9 votes -
Launch Stations
Multiple launch areas other than just the north pole.
Also as well as being able to launch in the surface you should be able to start mid-air or in orbit.
For fun, of course - not for cheating.5 votes -
Different Systems
There should be an option for different systems when starting a sandbox. Smolar, solar, alpha centuri and made up systems should be options.
On another thought there could be multiple systems on the same map and you can travel between them.5 votes -
Refill the fule when u land
Maybe when we get to an airport it will refill
8 votes -
Make a cockpit
will get rid of the old U.I. and add a interior to the cockpit
1 vote -
It would be really nice to have an option for going underwater
make it avalible to go underwater for submarines!
3 votes -
Roller coster
Make a coster that works
3 votes -
Make a weapon that can jam enemy radar and missiles.
There would be two pods about the size of a Boom 25, and would be activated through air-to-air or air-to-ground depending on the type. You could choose the type through hhe settings button in the designer. The jammer would be effective at a 5 mile range.
13 votes -
4 votes
ROBLOX like move tool, rotate and size
So this move tool is more ACCURATE for awesome and more realistic looking builds I have used ROBLOX as an example cause more people know it (however lots of game engines also use this like unity) if you would like to see how it looks like lookup these links:
Move tool:
Rotate Tool:
And Resize tool:
My user is ProKillaV12 btw :)
13 votes -
Make torpedos and AI that will fly in a formation with you
The AI should follow you in whatever formation you want them to, allowing for some pretty cool screenshots
3 votes -
Customizable Wing guns
Just Wing guns where you can improve damage and other in the Part properties
1 vote -
Armor plates for tablets,PC,etc
For building cars on PC and moble
1 vote -
Space Space Space........
Newtonian physics and at least low earth orbit to start with. But as a modder and in the current state of the game there is no way as of now i would waste my time making a mod for this game. The "Simple" in Simpleplanes is an understatement
4 votes -
Have more uses for solar panels
Some examples would be reaction wheels so it's not just like the rocket repositions itself on its own, or having communication radios that require power
3 votes -
The weapon
I think we need armor system, after all, a bullet to kill the enemy is really too Chedan. If you can, we also need new weapons systems (artillery, rockets, heat bombs, interference with the strip)
1 vote -
Different energy sources for engines
If you are anything like me then I think we would all love a chance to take on real world problems and try to solve them, I think it would be amazing if the game had a few new electric engines and also some additional power sources, like, batteries, solar panels and even an engine that charges the batteries in flight, and I also think some hydrogen and or HHO options would be a nice addition
1 vote -
More airport
More airport is good
3 votes
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