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Jundroo Games

2320 results found

  1. Make upvotes fair

    It is unfair for good builds to get completely ignored by the fact that builds with little effort completely tower over them, so instead when upvoting a plane you have to give a VALID reason for why you are upvoting it

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  2. Tutorial on Direction arrows

    Add tutotial on Direction arows that appear on the navi wheel especially the grey and blue arrows that appear.

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  3. Engine Heat & Overthrottling

    Heat should be a factor of engines and other parts in this game. Heat is generated by fires, engines, friction and explosions. Engines can stall and their fuel intake will freeze up if they get too cold, or could start leaking or weakening if they're too hot. Since

    The WWII engine that's "Less powerful than the turboprop" should be way less fuel efficient, generate more vibrations and heat, but can be pushed a lot harder. Over throttling the engines would result in higher risks, but higher speed output.

    Over Throttling (Couldn't find a new name) would be a concept of…

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  4. Life support systems

    To add some challenge and to add the nessesity to send a resupply to a station.

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  5. Add leaking fuel

    So if your transport vehicle bumps into another craft, in stead of exploding into shrapnel like Simple rocket 1. It will instead leak fuel causing minor thrust, and the tanks need time to repair.

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  6. Designer Cosmetic Parts

    Designer parts - Lagless cosmetic parts that will dramatically reduce lag

    I would love a selecter similar to the paint, but rather than changing color properties, it tags the part as "Designer" rather than physical. Designer parts are 1 shot by bullets, have terribly inaccurate hitboxes, and have NO physics, or aerodynamic influence. This can be very useful to make super detailed designs that don't lag a bit nor screw up the balance of your plane. And yeah, not lagging with 2K part builds because not all of them are physics parts.

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  7. Add an option for solar flares.

    Add and option in settings from solar flares. This would make systems on the ship inoperable for a certain period of time, or until you fixed them.

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  8. Make lead indicators

    Why not make lead indicators for dogfight mode. Especially for those long shots

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  9. Make cockpit instruments and seats!

    Make a cockpit seat that can eject and some cockpit instruments

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  10. create weaponry and centrifugal gravity in simple rockets

    make tungsten kinetic strike rods in sr2 or at least the material tungsten and make weaponry. make centrifugal gravity a useful application that works and make rotators to aid this

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  11. Better nudge system.

    Basically we have this nudge system where you need to hold or click several buttons to move parts around, take a look at this forum post for better understanding.

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  12. Camera Mode: Target

    I'd like to request a new camera mode in addition to the four which exist already (5 if you count physical aircraft cameras.) It would be very helpful if there were a "Target Mode" for the camera, which would make the camera follow the selected target. Ideally there would be two versions of this, one for the exterior view of the player's aircraft and one from the cockpit view.

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  13. 3 votes

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  14. what about space X falcon heavy

    also you have land on the pad or on a barge in the sea

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  15. Cities!

    In SP you can see 6 runways on 3 islands. BUT that is unrealistic, because there are no any cities near the airport. My idea: Create a city on Krakabloa island,and you can use Boom-50s or Clevers to destroy it.

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  16. weaponName XML Tag

    An XML tag that will change the name of the weapon in the targeting menu.
    Useful for custom missiles or renaming.

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    1 comment  ·  SimplePlanes  ·  Admin →
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  17. Multiple cockpits


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  18. Kerbal Engineer

    Pretty much exactly what Kerbal Engineer does. We can get basic information about our spacecraft in flight, like our apoapsis, periapsis, speed, but also fuel percentage, mission timer, etc. Also, I would like information on our rocket to be calculated when building as well.

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  19. add gyroscopes

    like in the space station so we can do Maneuvers without using fuel

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  20. Add ship parts

    For example like all the ship parts for the R.M.S titanic

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