Jundroo Games
2320 results found
Warheads so we can make nuclear/thermonuclear missiles
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if helicopter parts are added add physics
rotors will spin the aircraft or in the case of a tiltrotor must turn in opposite directions. add a feature that will help troubleshoot these physics such as auto adjusting tail rotors that alter force automatically. oh and please fix throttle controls on PC to be more adjustable
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You have to make like meteor miners for money and stuff
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Better Flight-School education.
You know those people on SimplePlanes, who like the tricycle-landing-gear configuration, but put the rear landing-gear on the tips of the wings? I really HATE those kind of noob players. They don't research what a plane looks like, and somehow decide that they're going to put their rear landing-gear on the wing-tip!
Even if I help them correct their mistake as nicely as I can... I turn, and behold, another noob player is doing the same mistake, and I have to help them. How is it possible, that a new player can make the same mistake as other new players,…
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Automated Rendezvous in SimpleRockets 2
Both SimpleRockets and Kerbal Space Program are really fun games, but there's one thing that bugs me- it's too hard to rendezvous with something else in orbit, like a space station or something. I feel like a feature to have the spacecraft fly itself into a rendezvous with the target would be amazing. I know it would probably be hard to code, but it would make the game much more fun and accessible to those who find rendezvousing a pain in the butt.
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Add ship parts
For example like all the ship parts for the R.M.S titanic
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Please add s
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what about space X falcon heavy
also you have land on the pad or on a barge in the sea
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3 votes
Make cockpit instruments and seats!
Make a cockpit seat that can eject and some cockpit instruments
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Add individual rover leg suspension
Add some suspension legs for rovers so you can climb over rough terrain with ease and also each one can operate individually or together as a choice to provide the best suspension for the terrain
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Designer Cosmetic Parts
Designer parts - Lagless cosmetic parts that will dramatically reduce lag
I would love a selecter similar to the paint, but rather than changing color properties, it tags the part as "Designer" rather than physical. Designer parts are 1 shot by bullets, have terribly inaccurate hitboxes, and have NO physics, or aerodynamic influence. This can be very useful to make super detailed designs that don't lag a bit nor screw up the balance of your plane. And yeah, not lagging with 2K part builds because not all of them are physics parts.
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Enable/disable brake function
Aircraft that have a tricycle wheel configuration, use brakes on all three wheels, not just the front nose wheel. Also, I'd like a parking-brake function as well. Thank-you!
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Convoy mode for AI
When you spawn an AI plane, They can either Shoot you or fluy around. Would love to see a "Convoy" Mode so they escort you. When this is engaged, The rest of the planes attack, with the convoy plane defending our plane. This could give us a small challenge before Simple Rockets 2 fully comes outt
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Music id's
Add music id's. For if u didnt know, music id's are code's that are different. An code is unique for an song
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If people had the option to pre-order the game and pay for it up front would the influx of cash help speed up development at all? I know I would do it.
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Spotlight in forum post
In a forum post we should be able so spotlight on SP website.
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Site views
Show how many views your forum or airplane post has had on the simpleplanes website.
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multiple modules
In simplerockets 1, you could only have one module/capsule. I wanted to add a lunar module to my rockets but I couldnt with the module limit. With this idea space stations would be cooler and not with only 1 pressurized room.
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Build-in inport/exporting XML file feature
Being able to import/export XML file in iOS to other apps/via iTunes like minecraft would be extremely useful
3 votes
- Don't see your idea?