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  1. 2 votes

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    new weapons, bomb sight, more ships, boat car and other veichle addons, veichle treds,chains, plane templates, and a rash test dummy

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  3. Railroads

    Steam engines, rail wheels, ropes, knuckles, chains, whistles and horns.
    A track on southern island that goes on the mountains from tarpley airport, the track will be about 2 blocks wide with many destructible/indestructible trestle bridges

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  4. Custom weapons?

    We have custom fuselage so why not

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  5. Negative Block Option

    Just like a regular block, but has a way to be pulled into other blocks.
    Example: "Aw, I have a bomber fuselage with no bomb bay.. its gonna take me ages to make another one.. Oh wait! I have the new Negative Block option! I can just simply drag this block out of the menu, place it on the plane and then double click (Like the wing editor except it drags the part) and drag it where I want the bomb bay to go! Look at that! I have a hole in my fuselage now! Thanks Negative Block option!"

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  6. Way point controlled AutoPilot!

    So here is the idea
    There is a special editor place were you can make mini mission (or HUGE ONES)
    in that editor it has a map of all of SP and you can place a way point at a starting position say Yeager airport numbered 1 the set the height of that way point if it is below sea level it just appears at 0ft
    if it is below land level when the way point is placed over land it will just spawn on the surface of the land.
    anyway way point one is placed at Yeager airport than…

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  7. console: Xbox playstation

    This may be a long shot but what if you can build on tablet and computer Then play with them on console this will help with online multiplayer story mode and also space.

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  8. Tailhook and Arresting gear for carrier landings

    I'd love to land some of my slightly mad designs on the aircraft carriers for fun. VTOL is something I can't use for many aircraft designs but an tailhook and arresting gear would allow some really fun challenges.

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  9. Propulsion parts that works underwater

    Add prop engines that works underwater

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  10. submarines

    Submarines, that would be cool to explore underwater, also torpedoes, fish, sharks and other marine life.

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    1 comment  ·  SimplePlanes  ·  Admin →
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  11. Radars for simple planes.

    Ok so instead of a plane just coming into sight and automatically locking on, what if we could have different radars that can pick up planes at different distances, bigger radars, better range but have more weight and drag etc. Just thought this would be neat to add. Plus it would give a reason to add something for stealth capabilities.

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  12. Add better guns

    I bet everyone has been in that spot where they want a bigger gun. But, they realize, guns arent resizeable yet. I suggest resizable guns, ammo, and cannons, because we're not XML wizards, so we cant exactly make our own, and we dont want to put 40 million guns to make up for the fact we don't have huge cannons. And i believe the whole of the community would be grateful. Thank you for your time.

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    I'm bored of boom 50 Add Tzar bomb or boom 290000

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  14. More weapons

    Can we have more weapons? There is a good amount all ready, but we could use more air to ground missiles, bombs, and guns.

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  15. Ballast tanks

    These would be good for submarines to change depth without using engines which don't really work underwater.

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  16. Make the point system more fair

    I am devoted to citing this message as many times as I have to. The point system is unfair, and my enthusiasm to rectify the problem has only increased since former user Ccooper, now zed, has returned and seen unprecedented success, in less than a week. The moderator I was put into contact with responded only once, then went silent. I'm on my own once again.

    This site should not play favorites! It should be meritocratic in nature! Part count is a relevant issue, and high-point user are abusing the system, whether consciously or not. These problems must be addressed.

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  17. more sound settings!

    i like the music but i want to turn of the engine sounds, its horrible!

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  18. Advanced rotator option

    I'd think I'd be a good idea to have an option to make rotators not affected by auto pilot this way we can make better gun turrets Easyer to pilot remote controlled missiles,aircraft,and bombs

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  19. VR mode

    Makes a option to duplicate and split the screen down the middle for VR and cellphone VR viewers like the KinoVR app

    it would be easy to use this way because KinoVR uses the phones internal gyroscope for the mouse so all you would half to do is hold the mouse button to look around

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  20. Camo paint

    At the options of gloss, semi gloss, and flat there should be a camo option that has two new options with it. Colour 1 and 2 so you can customize your camo in all colours!

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