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Jundroo Games

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  1. Warp engine in the part menu electric plane motor in the part menu boat engines doors floating parts in it to and they all get spots

    This would be an easier way to build things like boats without installing mods oh and also can you make the game stop kicking people on mobile out because you can’t finish what you were doing and can you do that for android and pc to please and tell the great YouTubers that I said I am your biggest fan and that i said Hi thanks

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  2. Realistic aerodynamics in atmosphere, with mach compression effects, transonic effects..

    KSP had FAR, a mod which gave me more than 700 hours of fun doing realistic aerodynamic planes, SSTOs, and rockets. It would be really awesome to have a similar realistic aero system in SR2 so we can re create and fly an SR-71 or some hypersonic SSTO with proper realistic flying characteristics.

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  3. Make the vehicle burn small when re-entering the planet

    Make the vehicle burn small when re-entering the earth

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  4. Add part that you can add to your ship that would auto dock with a selected ship entity with a docking plug/port.

    Docking as a newer player in orbit is almost impossible without hours of trial and error. There needs To be a piece that you can add to your ship that would allow for auto docking with a selected entity.

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  5. Tutorial on Direction arrows

    Add tutotial on Direction arows that appear on the navi wheel especially the grey and blue arrows that appear.

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  6. Some sort of a G-meter...

    Include a simple small number somewhere on the screen that displays the current acceleration that the command-module is experiencing. + or - in front if the acceleration is going "down" towards the floor of the module or up. Maybe have the number be green for a number between 0-5g, orange for 6-10 and a red number for anything over that. Have it then flash red for something that might end up being fatal. While there wouldn't be any problems resulting from over-g's it would give players the ability to be more realistic with their throttle use and plan their re-entry…

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  7. Space shuttles

    Maybe add space shuttle missions and parts and a runway for landings from reentry

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  8. The ability to attach a part to more than one other.

    One of the things that always bugged me is how you could only attach one part to one other at a time. In other words you can't attach a strut to two detaches.

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  9. people

    Also you should mPeople should be able to come out of the ship and build stuff like a base and ships, and they could start sivilizations, that would make this the best game ever.

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  10. 3 votes

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  11. Science, Aerodinamics, Reentry

    a science type campaign (like the one in ksp) would be great and also aerodinamics (for planes) and, most important, REENTRY DAMAGE. thanks for making such an amazing game...

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  12. hydrologics to like move part on your rocket like in simple planes and different cockpits

    hydrologics to move parts and make a shuttle with like the hatches on top and reshapeable cockpits

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  13. hydrologics to like move part on your rocket like in simple planes and different cockpits

    hydrologics to move parts and make a shuttle with like the hatches on top and reshapeable cockpits

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  14. 1 vote

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  15. Realistic look and physics

    I think it would be great if the game had realistic looking engine plumes and modeled fuel momentum, as well as have multiple types of fuel, engine spooling time, and changing specific impulse for atmo v vacu.

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  16. Make better docking ports please...

    Make it so that thay align neatly when building a station, or pivot around so that they work like the junctions between train wagons on land. SR1's docking system was really frustrating.

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  17. Add heat shields and atmospheric re-entery a thing also add Mobil mod support not just for android but iOS included. Lots of new updates to

    These ideas will make a game which people will really like to see and play and make the game last almost indefinitely

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  18. 1 vote

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  19. Добавьте управление двумя и более частями ракеты

    Например я строю корабль на луну и добавляю две кабины я запускают корабль с двумя кабинами и на орбите от стыковав их друг от друга я хочу управлять и 1 кораблём и 2 кораблём

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  20. Rings with procedurally generated fragments in them!!

    Soooooooooo many games have planets with rings, but they're just bland 2d textures, KSP included! Only one game I know has ring fragments in them, and that's Elite Dangerous. If you can manage to make planets with rings have fragments in them, HOLY HELL. It would add a whole new level to exploring Saturn and other gas giants. YEEEEEEE!!!

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