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Jundroo Games

2320 results found

  1. Ideas for SP 1.8

    I think that the Devs should add bomb bays to the game, so that we don't have to use too many parts to make a simple bomb bay. They should also create more cockpits for jets, so they look more realistic. There should also be new guns like AAA guns, tank guns, and the ability to change the caliber size of a gun without xml modding. Last of all, I think there should be a new mission for all platforms (iOS, android, windows, OS X, etc.) that places you in a full-on ww2 naval battle, having you take off of…

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  2. 5 votes

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    1 comment  ·  SimplePlanes  ·  Admin →
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  3. Pre-built crafts for challenging flight-focused missions

    For those who can't build or just want to fly without worrying about building sometimes, specific missions would add some great objectives that a lot of open-ended sandbox games lack. I'm thinking rescue missions, docking missions, fuel efficiency challenges, this kind of thing. I look forward to building crafts, don't get me wrong, but I think having missions outside of a standard 'career' mode would set it apart from the likes of KSP.

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  4. A fully featured UI.

    A readout for engine temps, craft temps (for reentry and lift off) thrust levels, cabin O2 levels if that's a factor, etc. I think it would be helpful and if people don't want it, just put an option to have a minimalistic HUD.

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  5. User created objects to explore

    Allow users to create objects (Space station, asteroid, ...) which players have to detect (with a radar).
    These objects would display a text when the player is close enough, or when he docks to it. When creating these objects, we could specify at which range players can detect it.

    This would make exploration much more fun.

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  6. Wright island update.

    What I'm thinking about? Do you see any structures on Wright, besides the one, poor hangar? It's a military airport, so it NEEDS more structures. Some sort of AA weapons, maybe some SAM launchers, a targetable radar... And an ATC tower of course. On Yeager, both of airports have ATC towers. On Snowstone, it's built inside the factory. But there is no one on Wright. Also, update North Runway.

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  7. Be able to have multiple ships loaded

    It's be awesome to say, launch a space station, get it to orbit, and still be able to launch other ships to perform docking manoeuvres and stuff. We could deload some or switch which one we're controlling at any time with a menu then.

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  8. Camera Mode: Target

    I'd like to request a new camera mode in addition to the four which exist already (5 if you count physical aircraft cameras.) It would be very helpful if there were a "Target Mode" for the camera, which would make the camera follow the selected target. Ideally there would be two versions of this, one for the exterior view of the player's aircraft and one from the cockpit view.

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  9. Add an option for solar flares.

    Add and option in settings from solar flares. This would make systems on the ship inoperable for a certain period of time, or until you fixed them.

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  10. Rover Tread Marks

    Upon a rover landing on an a planet such as the Smoon in SR1, When maneuvering a vehicle on the surface the rover would leave behind tread-marks. This could also be seen under a lander in a planet from the landing legs. Considering the current progress with SR2 this would most likely be a late development addition.

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  11. Add a Simpleplanes Biplane Easter Egg

    The main face of Simpleplanes is the biplane on the front of the logo. What if there was a very, VERY small chance where a plane titled “unknown” would spawn, which if the player got near it would see that it’s the Simpleplanes Rocket Powered Biplane we all know and love? It would be really cool to see that! From AnOlympicWalnut.

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    1 comment  ·  SimplePlanes  ·  Admin →
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  12. 5 votes

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  13. docking ports

    so that you can dock planes

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  14. Connectors

    Add connectors so we can reconnect things instead of just disconnect

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  15. One wheeled landing gear!

    Y’all should make landing gear with only one wheel instead off the normal two that y’all have

    Keep it all the same but just one wheel on it

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  16. Randomly generated endless campaign

    Realistic commissions that space agencies do. This would be similar to for example, Truck Simulators. Say there's 5 slots. Each has a randomly generated task like "retrieve rocks from [planet] for Droo University" or "get into orbit around [planet] and take pictures for Gobble Maps" or "deliver [amount]kl of fuel to [planet] for SNASA" maybe some unique new missions like "the Hubba telescope is broken, build a new one" and you'd have to build a replacement satellite with antennas, cameras, and a telescope. Maybe a few joke missions like "The Edison Motor Company would like to launch their car into…

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  17. Can I have a help

    Hi I Just deleted my account (Sorry devs)

    I was drunk and I bet about 30$

    Sorry I know I am a idiot but a dev can help me?

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    1 comment  ·  SimplePlanes  ·  Admin →
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  18. Advanced Fuselage Options

    IDEA: Advanced fuselage options. In the options window for fuselage pieces, there will be a button that says Advanced. If you click it, it will bring up the advanced options, which are Shape: can choose between normal, triangle, pentagon, hexagon, rhombus (normal but on 45° angle), Etc. In the menu, you can change the length of individual lines, and each one will be a different color that matches a color square before the line number. If you want a triangle, the lines will be named Line 1-Line 3, and each will have a different color. Example: [(Green)] [Line 1] [Edit].…

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  19. Batterys

    Add battery’s and electric motor for resizable wheel and solar panels also gas generators powered with fuel

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  20. Ability to set flight plan

    IDK, just make a sorta map with your already discovered locations and maybe set some waypoints too? And separate autopilot, HDG, ALT, PCH, and SPD.

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