Jundroo Games
2320 results found
You should make an atom bomb and multiplayer
Because we can bomb each other's planes fun fun fun, and we will be able to check other people's planes out, awesome right?
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i hope you can start making modding on mac
please help me mod on mac because it does not work
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I'd really like to see a more advanced autopilot.
Possibly with ILS and a route you can make for the autopilot to follow. This could also be taken a step further. You could (for example) already include a pre-made route for the autopilot with the built so that when another user downloads it it already has a pre-programmed autopilot route and does a demo-flight showing off its capabilities. A REALLY IMPORTANT thing you need to add is the ability to tell the autopilot which axis (trim,vtol,brake) to use at what point. Or maybe the ability to tell the AI if the object behaves like an airplane, car or a…
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Please add aerodynamics and their effects into the game along with weight and thrust levels of engines, centers of weight, thrust, and gravity. It would be awesome to have, but I am sorry that your coding just got 150000 times harder
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Could you add already built plane bodies? It would be great.
Like one bomber and one fighter and one commercial
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For sr2 I think multiplayer would rock.
It would be amazing if you could do local multiplayer so you could do docking and also reentry would be amazing! I play SR and SP and career + campaign modes! :)
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Mabye add space
At a certain point like 50,000 to 100,000 feet you enter a low to zero gravity world with asteroids and 2 new start places one on an asteroid to drive on in low gravity and maybe (probably) fly of, and space, to fly your spacecraft while looking at the small premade island below you and having to dodge asteroids every once and a while depending on how you fly
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You should add train tracks and train wheels
Add train wheels and train tracks so it's easier to make trains
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Hello, jundroo. You will not believe i'm korean translate team
hello, jundroo.
(안녕하세요 준드로 팀분들)
i'm (Our) korean translate team 'team nose cone'.
(저는(우리는)한국어 번역팀인 '팀 노즈콘'입니다.)
i love this game, so Our team decide this game to translate korean
(나는 이게임을 좋아하고, 그렇기 때문에 우리 팀은 이 게임을 한국어로 번역하는것을 결정했습니다)
but, Our team lacks programmers.
(하지만, 우리 팀은 프로그래머가 부족합니다)
So, why do not you help our team to translate?
(그래서, 우리팀을 위해 번역을 도와주시지 않겠습니까?)
You can believe that you are a lie because of April Fool's Day, but this is true.
(만우절이라는 시기때문에 당신은 거짓이라 믿을수 있겠지만, 이 말은 진심입니다.)
If you have any further questions.…3 votes -
More airport
More airport is good
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Have more uses for solar panels
Some examples would be reaction wheels so it's not just like the rocket repositions itself on its own, or having communication radios that require power
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Make torpedos and AI that will fly in a formation with you
The AI should follow you in whatever formation you want them to, allowing for some pretty cool screenshots
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Roller coster
Make a coster that works
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It would be really nice to have an option for going underwater
make it avalible to go underwater for submarines!
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Allow ground units to spawn in sandbox mode
The use of air to ground missiles is pretty useless in sand box mode other than the ice base assault... My idea is to have a spawn ai ground unit such as aa tanks or the ability to spawn custom ground vehicles these would make my experience on SimplePlanes better. Also plz add maywar island to iOS
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Can you make a small attachable gyro that looks like it could fuse with a creation?
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Make it so...
Instead of becoming anonymous we you copy a idea make it so when you do it says you can't post this please
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Nuclear bombs and outer space
Pace will have little gravity. Nuclear bombs will be able to destroy your aircraft if it isn't above 2,000ft
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Add an option to hide landing gear in screenshot mode
The landing gear often ruins the screenshots. Please add a setting to retract landing gear in screenshot mode.
3 votes
- Don't see your idea?