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Jundroo Games

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  1. Fairings!

    I know SR2 will add many new parts, so fairings are probably on your list. But, if they're not, they totally should be.

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  2. Warp during acceleration

    Brachistochrone trajectories support to have the fun playing with ion drives and torchships like in The Expanse.

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  3. Add re-entry physics

    Heat shields, burning up in atmosphere, and temperature ratings for parts

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  4. add a "Race Mode"

    This is a mode where you have to race against other companies to be the first to orbit the Smearth or Smoon. Of course there will be setbacks, so there will be spontaneous events that occur(funny or serious, your choice). If you win a space race, you get to unlock a VERY RARE part or a special livery for your rocket.

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  5. Launch Stations

    Multiple launch areas other than just the north pole.
    Also as well as being able to launch in the surface you should be able to start mid-air or in orbit.
    For fun, of course - not for cheating.

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  6. Different Systems

    There should be an option for different systems when starting a sandbox. Smolar, solar, alpha centuri and made up systems should be options.
    On another thought there could be multiple systems on the same map and you can travel between them.

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  7. Have more uses for solar panels

    Some examples would be reaction wheels so it's not just like the rocket repositions itself on its own, or having communication radios that require power

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  8. Multiple Control points/Command pods

    Have multiple ships launch together/have multiple command pods in one ship so when they detach you can have 2 different ships rather than space junk, KSP style.
    For example if you wanted to bring a satilite, rover and lander to smars in one mission then you can.

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  9. Hello, jundroo. You will not believe i'm korean translate team

    hello, jundroo.
    (안녕하세요 준드로 팀분들)
    i'm (Our) korean translate team 'team nose cone'.
    (저는(우리는)한국어 번역팀인 '팀 노즈콘'입니다.)
    i love this game, so Our team decide this game to translate korean
    (나는 이게임을 좋아하고, 그렇기 때문에 우리 팀은 이 게임을 한국어로 번역하는것을 결정했습니다)
    but, Our team lacks programmers.
    (하지만, 우리 팀은 프로그래머가 부족합니다)
    So, why do not you help our team to translate?
    (그래서, 우리팀을 위해 번역을 도와주시지 않겠습니까?)
    You can believe that you are a lie because of April Fool's Day, but this is true.
    (만우절이라는 시기때문에 당신은 거짓이라 믿을수 있겠지만, 이 말은 진심입니다.)
    If you have any further questions.…

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  10. Relay and Control Communication System

    Probes have limited attitude and thrust control if they are not linked back to Earth or a control point via a relay antenna.

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  11. Have a career mode like the one in kerbal space program, a tech tree and equipment that you can use to collect science and reentry heating

    We need a career mode like the one in ksp, the ability to collect science to research parts, a much bigger variety of parts, reentry heating, the ability to have more than 1 capsule on a rocket day/night cycles on planets and in orbits and persistent debris

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  12. For sr2 I think multiplayer would rock.

    It would be amazing if you could do local multiplayer so you could do docking and also reentry would be amazing! I play SR and SP and career + campaign modes! :)

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  13. 2 votes

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  14. Docking autopilot

    We need a career mode like the one in ksp, the ability to collect science to research parts, a much bigger variety of parts, reentry heating, the ability to have more than 1 capsule on a rocket day/night cycles on planets and in orbits and persistent debris We also need a docking autopilot or assist for docking and manuever nodes

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  15. Crew and new command pods

    Be able to choose between crewed and unmanned ships and have different command pods

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  16. Phys

    Please add aerodynamics and their effects into the game along with weight and thrust levels of engines, centers of weight, thrust, and gravity. It would be awesome to have, but I am sorry that your coding just got 150000 times harder

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  17. We need to simple interface

    Do you know a space rocket game 'space agency'? In that game user can change the control by touching the ship.
    But,in simple rocket,user should back to the menu difficultly when change the control to other ship. I hope you add this action in game
    P.s I'm korean,so I am poor at English

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  18. SR 2 IDEAS. Sorry for my English (I'm from Russia)

    Here are the ideas from VKontakte website.
    1.Multi point connectons.
    2.Resizable and refuallable empty fuel tank. 3.Multiplayer.
    4.KSP-like Science elements.
    5.Launch table, space center, cosmonauts. 6.Engines like in SP.
    7.Wheels with dampers.
    8.Delete the Kraken.
    10.Controllable parts and mechanisms.
    11.Able to close parachutes and landers. 12.Achievements.
    13.Career mode.
    14.Life support system.
    15.Some different nature on Earth.
    17.More station, rover, spaceship, rocket parts. 18.Delta V counting system.
    19.Skins workshop.
    21.Building grid.
    23.Heating while in atmosphere.
    24.Adjustable parts.

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  19. Beta?

    Is there going to be a beta for android

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  20. make ksp-like parts and features

    1. Science
    2. Astronauts
    3. Satelite connection
    4. Cockpit with additional settings
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