Jundroo Games
2317 results found
add more digits to the hours. I suggest 10 digits, 9,999,999,999, which is about 1.14 million years.
2 votes -
Add support for map/ship split screen on tablet sized devices
I usually play on my Nexus 10, and I'd love to have the split screen option that was just added to the PC version
104 votes -
Observable structural stress
Would be cool to see the force distributed on the rocket when i wanted to like in simplephysics
12 votes -
I would like a switch view and a HUD off/on buttons on the left side similar to the RCS and dock buttons on the right.
I would like a switch view and a HUD off/on buttons on the left side similar to the RCS and dock buttons on the right.
7 votes -
Set input keys on keyboard
I think that will be good, if there will be individual keys for expanding and folding parachutes because detaching them means that they couldn't be use again so players will need to increase weight of rocket by adding other parachutes, landing legs etc.
19 votes -
Keep orbial lines visible (map view)
Keep orbial lines visible (map view), instead of completely fading them out when you zoom in (closer). Keeping them would make accurate orbital transfers far easier.
3 votes -
bottons for centering screen (map view)
Add some buttons to center the screen on the craft on the craft, or the craft's apoapsis/periapsis, regardless of the zoom setting. This would be really good for accurate orbital transfers.
2 votes -
These would be as thick as a detacher when retracted, as long as a fuselage when unretracted. Activate to change states. You could attach multiple pistons together and activate at once to have a larger moving part.
1 vote -
Detached pieces persist forever.
With the ability to play on the same save indefinitely coming up, I'd like to keep old rocket parts. Maybe space junk would even become an issue.
32 votes -
Thrust vector control
Is it possible to give the PID feedback variables so we can configure how the ('gimbals' for the) engines respond? This could help with stability and flyability. I'm guessing offering those controls is not as easy as it sounds.
2 votes -
Throttle resolution
Much more resolution is needed on the throttle, say 5% or 2%. It is currently difficult to get a good landing with the current 10 throttle steps – the effect of which is amplified with the smaller engines. Also, 10% jumps can make a stack unstable (mine actually break).
8 votes -
x10 stability
Apply full physics processing at x10 when element count is less than a certain level, say 10 elements, so there is no instability for smaller ships while still running at 10x speed. Larger ships tend not to be unstable anyway, so those the existing short-cuts (whatever they are) can still be applied.
2 votes -
Stylus control
For those of us who like to use a stylus, it would be great to be able to activate the apoapsis/periapsis/encounter buttons using the device’s stylus (not just with the touch-screen) E.G. with the Galaxy Notes.
Would also be good to zoom using the stylus (like google maps: click, release, then drag)2 votes -
18 votes
Please use default device keyboard
My device have a small screen and i'm pain.
16 votes -
Add full screen like in this picture. http://jundroo.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/SimpleRocketsPC.png
18 votes -
Add Chromecast support when the SDK is available.
Add the ability to cast the live view to the TV and use the phone as the controller and display the map view.
8 votes -
6 votes
Allow user to submit challenges, like:
Landing on other planets
Landing rovers
Making a return trip from the moon
Smupiter altitude challenge
Add comets
Change starting position of orbiting bodies
Add more moons
Etc..Please for the sake of all man and woman kind fix the orientation.. Landing a rover on Saturn upsidedown is unnecessary!!
Great game, thanks!!
33 votes -
A "help" section, or an active reddit/r/simplerockets plugin in-game.
I oftentimes find myself confused on where to find the latest and greatest news on the game, and finding peoples recommended rockets can be very challenging. Maybe a dedicated "share" and "help" menu could be added? You know, browse the forum from within the app, and view and download other users rockets to try them out for yourself, or modify them and call them your own.
6 votes
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