Jundroo Games
2320 results found
Autonomous Rocket Guidance System [PART]
Andrew Garrison, you recently posted a demonstration of your new landing gear with a replica of the SpaceX liquid fuel boosters. I suggest adding an AI part that would take countrol of the part it is attached to (and all parts attached to that one) when an activation group is activated or that part is detatched from the cockpit.
You could tweak it, so that if, say, the altitude of said piece was 1600 metres, it would fire any attatched rockets at 10%, and at 1000 metres, 20%, and 50% at 100 metres. Other options could be implemented, such as…
6 votes -
CoM adjuster
A type of device that allow you to shift your fuel mass around the airplane so it can balance out. It don't move the fuel anywhere, it move the fuel to the fuselage that you have to selected it and you have to also pick your CoM location at start on where you want it to be located. I thought up this idea because it is good if your aircraft fly on a long trip and the CoM stay the same as the start. (Help the game to make it more realistic). Thanks
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Take advantage of Take Two's infamous new KSP EULA!
Please make it work on Linux too!
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Auto docking
On the aircraft you can salect a space station and a diagram of the station will apear so you can salect a docking port on the station. Then when you are in a certain distance from the stations a auto dock button will apear than it will auto dock and it will useing the rcthrusters on your aircraft and auto dock to the docking port you selected. For people who can’t dock but you can dock hanualy if you want.
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Oil Drll
When you are almost out of fuel, you can land on a planet and drill for fuel so you can continue with flying through space.
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Add glass which has an option to auto generate over the space between fuselage blocks
Add a block which is basically exactly the same as the fuselage block except it is transparent and can shatter (basically glass)
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tank cannons!
we need tank cannons that are resizeable, like the fuselage block, and you could adjust the explosive force of the projectile, the range, and the accuracy.
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How about lightspeed
Add a way to reach the speed of light in the game. A lot of people like fast
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Tully2001 removed my fking biography, and im freaking mad. If this biography isnt un-removed, ther’ll be consequences.
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World Aggression Checklist
Sandbox mode in the game is extremely fun, especially attempting your own attack runs on the various convoys and ships scattered around the world. Snowstone always keeps you on your toes with the attack-on-sight missile launchers stationed in front of the ice base.
However, the AI tends to either dominate or not stand a chance at all in these circumstances. A well-placed bombing run can take out an unaggressive convoy in one pass, while trying to go -anywhere- on Snowstone while not spawning from within ice base is an absolute nightmare.
My idea is this: Once the appropriate target has…
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Custom decal creator
In Simpleplanes There have been many cases when letters, words and/or custom logos have been put on aircraft. The problem is that there is no way to make/add a detailed image, word, or sentence on an aircraft without using the parts available, thus increasing the part count, causing more lag. In simplerockets 2 there should be a Simple yet complex way of creating a single image (Or use of image files) and putting it on your rocket. For this I recommend a paint tool (with pre made shapes and the ability to add layers) Think of something like MS paint.…
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Add winches, Pulleys and Rope/Cable.
EG- Steel-Cable, Nylon-Rope, Chains and Normal Rope.
And A electric Winch/Gas winch
To build things like dragline-Excavators and gliders6 votes -
Easy rendezvous (like a set target and suggested bur kind of thing)
In the map, allow us to select a target like a station or the smoon and the game will give ou a direction to burn in to encounter the target.
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Online universes where everyone can build
You can create a smolar system that is shared publicly of with specific people so that they can interact with the same smolar system! This could go great with the planet building thing to have a shared universe for friendly teamwork or war between planets
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vehicle recovery
after landing to earth you can't reuse your vehicle anymore. With this suggestion you can recover your vehicles, boosters, space planes. You can add a price to recover, example: if you land to ocean or land it will cost money but if you land to runway or landing pad your rocket will be free to recover just like spaceX did it with falcon heavy. If you see this post devs, please add this feature.
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Better stuff
We need better ground vehicle physics
10000 dRag BLock cAr thAt Goes 300 mpH
An invisible block that make the part that have it's hitbox inside it disappeared (it's hard to describe)
Better suspension physics
Better water physics
Grass ( basically it's like the palms in bandit but, well it's grass )
More maps
u n d e r w a t e r c a m e r a
Better scales maybe ( cuz everything in the game seem a bit off )
Flaps. N slats.
Shapeable airbrakes
More landing gear ie. Wing landing gear but without the guards,…6 votes -
I want a stronger torpedo
I want a torpedo with a weight of about 1700 lb
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Afterburner AG and resizeable engines
Afterburner should be a feature that can be activated through a activation group, it only makes sense, also, engines should be resizeable
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more ships includes battleships with massive AA fire and ETC
Add a battleships or curisers in the game or able to load any ship design and modifying it's behavior in game
Add friendly A.I goes with me anyware i want and fighting with me landing with me and able to select the number of the freindly A.I and able to give them a name
Add world editor which able to design anything in game without mods or creating it by external software
New missions various of missions more of them with choosing the difficulty
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Overhaul on flight mechanics
Like others have suggested, have the ability to change the wings thickness/show the actual airfoil, but along with that also be able to change control surfaces independently from the wings shape, as well as add true flaps, and the option to have more than one connection point for the wing so that larger/faster planes can handle heavier payloads/higher g-forces without the wing physics breaking. Another addition could also be the incorporation of fully customizable engines such as in SimpleRockets 2. One final addition could perhaps be to add in vector thrusting nozzles and fly-by-wire. Would be happy to see any…
6 votes
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