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Jundroo Games

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  1. Different fuel and oxidizers idea.

    Fuel Customization
    It would be cool to choose what kind of fuel your engines use—water, xenon, methane, hydrogen, kerosene, RP-1, etc., each with its own benefits.
    Maybe add the option to decide if you want an oxidizer—things like oxygen, hydrogen peroxide, chlorine, fluorine, or even none at all, which would affect how the engine burns fuel and its overall performance.
    It’d be great to have a way to adjust the fuel-to-oxidizer ratio, so you can fine-tune the engine’s power or efficiency depending on what you need.
    Also, a fuel-oil ratio for engines that require lubrication would help balance longevity and…

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  2. We impeach JNO Chinese moderator InfinityTechnology

    About SP's dying, one man feels very cheerful, he is JNO's Chinese moderator InfinityTechnology, because he is alway yearning for JNO getting more popularity than SP, So he can rule more Chinese players. He was ridiculed in SP years ago because of his disappointing building skill, so he went to SR2 and using tons of parts to build some things seem incredible but actually mediocre. He himself can't even run them properly on his own computer. But also, as there are too many parts, only few people can really download them and check the actual details, so the screenshoots he…

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  3. Let landing gear drive on fuselages

    Please every time landing gear is on a fuselage it immediately stops and doesn't move

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  4. Make heading set for craft persist through quicksave/quickload

    It's outright disgusting that after quicksave/quickload the craft will forgot it's heading or that it was locked. One second too late and your rocket or plane could spin out of control.

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  5. Overhaul the smoke

    i think it would be great if you could add more smoke during liftoff, that extends further away and leaves more clouds behind, as well as making the smoke last longer, despite gaining altitude, and last but not least, smoke deflecting off the ground on any planet surface, instead of just on launch pads

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  6. More PROPULSION systems!


    -more customizable and thrust vectoring jet engines
    -hybrid rocket+jet engine (like the SABRE)
    -marine propulsion options for boats and submarines
    -rocket engines
    -ion drives and thrusters
    -electric propulsion
    -antimatter propulsion
    -antigravity propulsion
    -variable cycle engines and supercruise capable engines
    -nuclear propulsion
    -laser propulsion
    -microwave propulsion
    -direct impulse propulsion (like particle accelerators)
    -laser thermal rocket propulsion
    -microwave thermal rocket propulsion
    -plasma propulsion
    -anti-matter drives…

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  7. Greatings,i would like to suggest you to add more engines something like R..P.I.E.R engine for sstos that is able to work in closed and air.

    Greatings,i would like to suggest you to add more engines something like R..P.I.E.R engine for sstos that is able to work in closed and air.

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  8. Sonic boom ,weather,and civilization

    I would love to see a sonic boom, weather in the game that you can customize,and I’d love to see some roads an improved airport and cities

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  9. 3 votes

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  10. 1 vote

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  11. 1 vote

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  12. Please could you add an infinite fuel option to Simple Rockets 2. Please could you also add more planets, maybe Venus, Mercury and Neptune.

    The idea is that there could be an infinite fuel option and more planets. Also, there could be astronauts added.

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  13. Science instruments

    Since career mode and mobile version in 2019, science instruments is the most important thing I want in Simplerockets 2, one of them example: antenna, antenna is a a pair of long, thin sensory appendages irony, and it sends signal radio wave, for example, if you found and took a picture of planet or etc. depends where you are, it should take a seconds to reach the center. And making connections with earth or satellite, if you lost connection you no longer to control the craft. And next example of science instruments is Dish, Dish is dish shaped type of…

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  14. More options in simple rockets 2

    The option for landing gear to have up to six wheels, weather options for planets, and a custom planets editor. I would be nice to be able to shape the fuselage like in simpleplanes, but without changing the way we already shape things in simple rockets 2. Warp drive would be nice too if it's not too complicated.

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  15. Aliens

    By putting aliens (ex. Small fish) you could have a reason to going to planets

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  16. Add customizable engine bells

    Adding customization to rocket engines such the length, exit diameter, and curvature of the engine bell allowing for more accurate recreation of historical rockets.

    Also implementing a mechanism by which they length and width impact engine performance (Isp can be calculated the exhaust escape velocity divided by gravity plus a constant multiplied by the difference in pressure at the nozzle exit and the ambient air pressure, the internal pressure can just be solved from a simple algebraic general solution which is all done in my forum post on the topic). Options of prefab parts optimized for different environments then the…

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  17. Tracks

    We need them for Rovers and Ground vehicles to ooerate on complex ground. In game, we could change the length of these Tracks, the width and the height, depending on the size of the Track, support wheels should vary in number and size. We also should have different track designs aswell as different support wheel designs to choose from.

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  18. Satelite Connections

    If you launch a Rocket with a Satelite/Antenna into Orbit it Can Be Remotely Controlled By a Other station In the near Distance and the satelite Can keep track about Other satelites and it Transfers like a repeater signals To a other satlite example: You launch a rocket with a satelite into orbit bur you want a Connection to jupiter and launch a satelite there with that you need to adjust the Angle and boom connection with that you Could control a Rocket to make a Safer land and Transmit Data with Various Antenna and so on to the first…

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  19. Оружие и кислород

    Может добавить оружия чтоб игроки могли сражаться между собой? Кислород, чтоб когда ракета была повреждена из нее уходил кислород, а чтоб это предотвратить нужно закрыть отсек или оторвать

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  20. Add an automated flight planner

    So you can just tell the game what to do, such as:
    1) Increase throttle to 100%
    1) Activate launch stage
    2) Fly for 20 seconds
    3) Activate next stage
    4) Turn to 45 degrees
    5) Fly for 10 seconds

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