Jundroo Games
2317 results found
Overhaul the smoke
i think it would be great if you could add more smoke during liftoff, that extends further away and leaves more clouds behind, as well as making the smoke last longer, despite gaining altitude, and last but not least, smoke deflecting off the ground on any planet surface, instead of just on launch pads
4 votes -
Rearming, refueling, repairing
What's the point of a landing somewhere when it doesn't do anything? I would like to have the ability to rearm on the ground... Refueling would be cool too and maybe just slight repairing (I would make it that you would get fresh new plane but I would just repair some parts)
27 votes -
Mods for Android or bigger maps
The game gets quite boring after a while of flying over just seas with the stock game.
If mods can't be brought back, could we at least get a bigger map?3 votes -
More/Spawnable Convoys for Ground Attack Missions
More convoys for the player to engage, as the current setup requires you to restart multiple times in order to get lucky. This is especially frustrating if you're testing out a ground vehicle, trying to set up an ambush. Alternatively, allowing the player to set the spawn location of convoys would be great. Thanks for the great work so far.
16 votes -
1 vote
Idea: Add The Ability To Be Able To Add Stickers. In The Settings of a Sticker, You can Import an Image Or Select From Default Stickers, Like a Star, or the German Symbol. Thank You For Reading This. - Audiofile LMAO
1 vote -
Sound barrier
Please we need a sound barrier for peak coolness
3 votes -
Flight Data Recorder / Black Box
As the title suggests. Record all telemetry for a game session. It could be the core of a variety of new features, from statistics displayed at the end of a game session to solving the problem of creating game replays. If you could download telemetry, the Funky Trees people would go nuts.
7 votes -
a "Helium" option for fuselage
A helium slider for fuselage, like the buoyancy slider so the craft that the fuselage is connected to makes the craft float in air and water. This will be useful for learning how blimps and floating crafts work and so the simpleplanes community can make blimps and all kinds of floating crafts .
5 votes -
Radars, More Cockpits Parts, Better Carrier System, Etc(Bad English Warning)
Hello Jundroo! I Was thinking about some nice games features, I Would like:
1) mirror part beacuse theres not a mirror part and the planes that "have a mirror" ¡Is Just A Normal Part! So I Would Like That.
2) Radars (Different Types Of Radars) Some Radars that are actually part of the game and not "Community Made Radars" Would Be Excellent.
3)Warning Sound Part, A Warning Sound Part Would Be Like A Warning That Triggers With: Over G, Stall, More Realistic Missile Lock,Etc Also May Be Good That The Player Can Configurate How The Warnig Triggers
3) Better Carrer…
32 votes -
Procedural Jet Engines
Basically what Simplerockets 2 has. Instead of prebuilt jet engines like the ones we already have, we should get one single customizable jet engine.
We could then open the properties menu of it and edit things like type (turbojet, turbofan, ramjet etc.), compression ratio, bypass ratio, afterburner power and throttle, nozzle type (civilian, military), fuel type etc.
Maybe even some more advanced settings like compression stages, combustion chamber size, fuel injection amount and more.
Having all of these settings to tweak, coupled with at least semi accurate sounds (or maybe even sound settings) and nice afterburner visuals is something we…
3 votes -
I have a suggestion for simpleplanes, as you know the airfoil on the wings are very hard and they h
Dear Jundroo
I am writing to you because I have a suggestion for simpleplanes, as you know the airfoil on the wings are very hard and they have sharp corners witch doesn't necessarily look very good in my opinion, maby if we could have actual airfoil instead of the simple square ones we have now, keep in mind this is just a suggestion, I hope you consider my request.
Thank you - LANCASTER46 votes -
Add Vibration Feedback System For Apple’s Taptic Engine
As you know, Apple's Taptic engine provides unparalleled vibration feedback for Apple devices. Nowadays, many apps launched in China, such as TikTok and WeChat, have been optimized for Apple devices with Taptic engine. A new experience makes many people love it. In Simpleplanes, we can give a vibration feedback when the plane crashes, overloads, hits, and launches missiles, which can not only improve the game experience, but also make players more enjoy and immerse themselves in the game.
3 votes -
Personal Messaging
This idea isn’t meant for the game but its website. May I suggest if we could message other fellow user more directional without tagging in comments. I hope devs and team could consider my idea. Thank you.
1 vote -
To Add some more Combat Missions
SimplePlanes is awesome.But i suggest you to add some more combat missions in the game.It is becoming a little boring because of few combat missions.Yesterday my friend mocked me for playing SimplePlanes.He said that how should you keep playing that same mission over and over.Of course i know that everybody can't understand my passion for military aviation.But it is somewhat true that the game needs some more combat missions.
1-A SEAD mission from USS Beast
2-Nuclear Strike
3-Anti Shipping Mission against carrier groups
4-Close Air Support Mission.3 votes -
better sounds and effects
my idea is to add things like a sound barrier cone and wing vapor (like SR2). and overall make the jet engine noise sound alot more like a real jet engine so in flyby mode you really feel like a foghter jet flew past you.
1 vote -
I would be nice if there were Wings with a visible airfoil and Extra sliders for Flaps and Speedbrakes
18 votes -
Top Gun Maverick
Jundroo could you make a Top Gun Maverick mission please.
1 vote -
Add under water
Add under water and disasters and when the submarine is damaged, add leaks and easter eggs
3 votes -
having a Dynamic AI
-Spawnable Friendly AI that could follow the player around and attack any attacking enemy planes
-Option to have a squadron of Friendly AI of your own choosing
-Option to have a squadron of Enemy AI of your own choosing2 votes
- Don't see your idea?