Jundroo Games
2316 results found
29 votes
Adjustable Weighted blocks for balancing.
Blocks you can add with a slider that can become much heavier than regular blocks. This could be useful for balancing out the aircraft to get the best center of gravity.
2 votes -
Left handed mode for creating planes in simple planes.
I find it difficult to use my right hand to access the options when creating a plane. So, if there is a toggle where I can switch the HUD it would be very helpful.
3 votes -
Vibrate the device when a piece come off/explosions/crash/landing
For example, if I'm flying too fast and the wings breaks, I want my phone to go like brrrrrrrrrrrr and bbrrr brrrrrr brrrrr on when the cockpit ground! Every pieces who will be detached of the structure will make it vibrate once then won't affect the vibration afterwards. So if there is a contact, with a structure attached to the cockpit, it will vibrate. If the tail come off and crash on the ground and spin, it would only vibrate once, because it has been detached. If I crash in the water, it will vibrate hardly then stop. If I…
27 votes -
Analog throttle
Currently, it appears to treat the throttle as 'above middle, increase throttle, below middle, decrease throttle', which is great for gamepads, but doesn't work very well for actual analog throttles, which don't return to middle. It'd be great if we had the ability to do real analog throttle, where the position of the physical analog throttle sets the throttle level of the aircraft.
11 votes -
Less bouncing when landing.
Even if i am as careful as possible, there is always one or two huge bounces. Not cool.
4 votes -
Use accelerometer to control aircraft
Rather than using the D-pad controls which restrict you to holding your devise in a specific way, have rolling and pulling up/down be accelerometer dependent and throttle just being a linear slider.
6 votes -
Trackir support--the most important peripheral after a joystick!
This allows you to look around naturally. It's a key peripheral for simulators.
1 vote -
Scramjets and Ramjets
I don't know about the rest of you, but I would love to soar through the skies at Mach 24.
19 votes -
Linux support!
I know it's the Unity engine so it shouldn't be particularly hard to swap over. I mentioned this on Reddit but I thought I'd put it here too.
61 votes -
Generated Terrain
This would probably be far in the future and take a long time to make but it would be nice if you could choose to be in an endless world that follows a terrain generation code. There should probably be runways every once in a while though too.
5 votes -
RCS thrusters slightly off center
RCS thrusters are slightly above the center of a part when placed. I am not sure if this is intentional but it makes docking more challenging because translation causes rotation and vice versa. This is very annoying when you make a perfectly symmetrical ship designed for maneuverability.
3 votes -
Make wheels a little more powerful
Currently wheels are painfully slow, wondering if it's possible to have more powerful wheel options.
2 votes -
Decals that you could put on your plane, so you could add some more visual flair
307 votes -
He's pretty helpful.
Make /u/Nassassin a mod for the subreddit, he is easily one of the most helpful people on the sub.
Also turn on user flair!
0 votes -
Virtual Reality (VR) Support
I think adding virtual reality support would be a real boon to the immersion and playability of your game. RefugioFlightVR works great with a controller + google cardboard. TrinusGyre is another option so that people with Android phones can even use the device+google cardboard to get occulus rift-like VR gaming with their phone and pc.
1 vote -
Allow you to chose which way thrust does.
I want to make a drone with propellers instead of jets. Drone propellers go on the back
3 votes -
Ability to rearrange sub-asseblies
Rearrange the sub-assemblies list to your own liking. Sometimes, I want a certain sub-assembly to be at the top of the list for easy access.. other times, I want to group sub-assemblies to sepearate engine subs from block subs or wing subs.
113 votes -
add re Entery
Can we have re
Entery?3 votes -
4 votes
- Don't see your idea?